Carte Primus

Card Back Gallery

Your gallery, have we passed through, not without much content in many singularities.

Additional Voice FilesSite Map

SamplesDescription and File Link
Previously featured card backs.
U. S. Postal Service stamps. These are arranged as three sets of card backs. The first contains stamps related to sports and entertainment. The second set has patriotic images, war, and a few famous people. The last set contains animals, comic strips, and a few miscellaneous items. Download STAMP1.ZIP, STAMP2.ZIP, or STAMP3.ZIP, unzip it, and place it in the same path as CP.EXE to use. 777, 602, and 681 kb (52 backs in each set).
A few black and white photographs taken in Saratoga National Historical Park. This is the location of the battle which was the turning point of the American Revolutionary War. Download SNHP.ZIP, unzip it, and place it in the same path as CP.EXE to use. Photographs and card backs by David Manthey. 90 kb (12 backs).
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread---and Thou. Scans from each page of Elihu Vedder's Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. Download RUBIAYAT.ZIP, unzip it, and place it in the same path as CP.EXE to use. Card backs generated by Benjamin Manthey. 692 kb (54 backs).
The following card backs are all from sets which are for sale. See ORDER.TXT for details.
Miscellaneous textures: bricks found in the Roman ruins, a lycra cycling glove, oak, and concrete. Download TEXTURES.ZIP, unzip it, and place it in the same path as CP.EXE to use. Samples are from the Textures set (87 backs), which is for sale.
A few members of the U.S. House of Representatives: Anna Eshoo, CA 14th, Michael Bilirakis, FL 9th, Tim Roemer, IN 3rd, and Rick Lazio, NY 2nd. Slightly dated now. Download USREPS.ZIP, unzip it, and place it in the same path as CP.EXE to use. Samples are from the U.S. Representatives set (98 backs), which is for sale.
Miscellaneous atomic orbitals: 3d0, 5f2, 8g0, 10i3. Download ORBS.ZIP, unzip it, and place it in the same path as CP.EXE to use. Samples are from the Atomic Orbitals set (220 backs), which is for sale. You can also download some MPEG video clips of atomic orbitals here, or learn more about them here.
More backs are being added to the gallery on an irregular basis. Check back every couple of months.

Sound and Voices

My voice shall sound as you do prompt my ear, and I will stoop and humble my intents.

Carte Primus uses a special voice file format to speak while playing cribbage.

In addition to the voice which comes with Carte Primus (the file CP.EBS), this additional voice is avaiable:

  • CPROBIN.EBS -- A very pleasant female voice. Many thanks to Robin Burns for producing this file and for permission to post it here.
  • To use the sound file, download it, then unzip the file and place it in the same directory as Carte Primus.

    If you are interested in making a voice file using your own voice, please email the author. You will need a microphone and a recording program for your sound card.


    I remember you, sir, by the sound of your voice.

    Come, sweet, we'll go to dinner, and then we'll play at cards. - The Two Noble Kinsmen, Act 5, Scene 4

    Have I not here the best cards for the game, to win this easy match played for a crown? - The Life and Death of King John I, Act 5, Scene 2

    I remember you, sir, by the sound of your voice. - Measure for Measure, Act 5, Scene 1

    Let a beast be lord of beasts, and his crib shall stand at the King's mess. - Hamlet, Act 5, Scene 2

    My voice shall sound as you do prompt my ear, and I will stoop and humble my intents. - Henry VI, Part 2, Act 5, Scene 2

    Nor did he soil the fact with cowardice, an honour in him which buys out his fault - The Life of Timon of Athens, Act 3, Scene 6

    The stars, I see, will kiss the valleys first. The odds for high and low's alike. - Winter's Tale, Act 5, Scene 1

    Tell him there's a post come from my master with his horn full of good news. - Merchant of Venice, Act 5, Scene 11

    Then in the name of God and all these rights, Advance your Standards! Draw your willing swords! - Richard III, Act 5, Scene 5

    There's all things needful: files and shirts and perfumes. - The Two Noble Kinsmen, Act3, Scene 3

    This news is old enough, yet it is every day's news. - Measure for Measure, Act 3, Scene 1

    Thou hast saved me a thousand marks in links and torches, walking with thee in the night betwixt tavern and tavern. - Henry IV, Part 1, Act 3, Scene 3

    Thou wilt be as valiant as the wrathful dove or most magnanimous mouse. - Henry IV, Part 2, Act 3, Scene 2

    Your gallery, have we passed through, not without much content in many singularities. - Winter's Tale, Act 5, Scene 3