2002 Campaign - Miscellaneous
The following items are all somehow related to the 2nd Albany County
Militia, Schuyler's Company, or our group under some other guise. Credits
are listed individually.
Click on a photo to get a larger version.
At the Albany Tulip Festival. My musket is currently being inspected. |
Another photo from Tulip Festival. All Tulip Festival photos are by Gorden Meeusen. |
Our camp at the Tulip Festival. |
We briefly have possesion of a rebel cannon at Ethan Allen Days in Sunderland. A inkjet printout of this picture was given to me by Ed Knight; he says it appeared in a local Sunderland paper. I don't know who took the picture. |
An article writen by Gretta Nemcek about her time at the Grand Encampment at Fort Ticonderoga, much of which was with us as French Malice. This appeared in the Glen Falls Post Star on Sunday, 7 July 2002. |
At the dance during the Burning of Kingston, Oct. 20. I have the pleasure of being accompanied by Shara and Darcy Yaddow. Shari Yaddow took the photos. |
Fort Ticonderoga - Grand Encampment
All of the following pictures were taken at the Grand Encampment of the
French and Indian War, 2002. We all went as French malice. The photographs
were taken by Rebecca Manthey (except the one with her in it). I can't
guarantee that the captions are all accurate.
A small group of French marines preparing to go to battle. |
The French line. |
The French line. We are the malice in the center of the photo. |
I give a brief musket lesson to Daniel; Paul and Donnie from James Howard's Company are also participating. |
The team of oxen; they were the stars of the battle. |
The English colors. |
Battle is engaged. |
The ox cart is surrounded. |
The British prepare to make a stand. |
The Malice arrive on the field. |
The battle rages. |
Marching off the field. |
We are very hot after the battle. Daniel looks goofy. |
Cleaning muskets. |
Myself, Daniel, and Reb, all looking hot and dirty, |
A few cannon outside the fort. |
Saratoga - 225 Anniversary of the 1st Battle
All of the following pictures were taken at the Rememberance of the
Battles of Saratoga, located at Saratoga Battlefield National Historical
Park, on 28 and 29 September 2002. The photographs were taken by my
father, William Manthey.
Surveyors at one of the cannons. |
The American encampment. |
Mom. |
The surveyor's assistants, Kenny and Bob. |
Trees and grass. |
A cannon crew preparing to fire. |
Ladies sitting and working. |
A man walking along the field. |
Troops beginning to gather at the American camp. |
Between the tent lines in the American camp. |
The 2nd Albany (and others) at the order. |
The American army forming up. |
Fife and drum. |
The American army. |
A dragoon and his wife (I think). |
Making a gabion. |
Making a gabion. |
Troops in the field. |
The American line marching through lumpy terrain. |
Another view of the American line. |