2004 Campaign - Miscellaneous

The following items are all somehow related to the 2nd Albany County Militia, Schuyler's Company, or our group under some other guise. Credits are listed individually.

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Mabee Farm Encampment, May 22 and 23, 2004

These pictures were taken with my camera.

Me stepping the mast in the bateau Rowing Rowers and myself at the helm of the bateau Harvey, Borst, Louise (starboard), and another woman row Louise rowing

The following pictures were taken by and are copyright 2004 by Mike Joyce. He was kind enough to give me permission to post them here. He has a CD with high-resolution versions of these pictures available at a small fee.

Shari and a small child Savages cannon crew The Second Albany awaiting movement. Liberty flag and Dave Morgan in the foreground Under the fly. Harvey's mother, Billy, Sona, and others Savages firing during the tactical
Savages reloading The Second Albany in line The Second Albany in line Woman beneath a tree and few people along the fence The bateau under oars
Me sounding the horn Shari and Steve sihlouetted against the river The bateau under oars

Farmers Museum, Otsego Lake, May 30, 2004

These pictures were by John Osinski.

The bateau with a full crew Rowing away from shore Lunchtime at the Farmers Museum

Maritime Academy Graduation, June 22, 2004

These pictures were by Dean Barnes or with his camera.

Rum call Lock E-8 closing behind us Gene in Lock E-8 Harvey in Lock E-8 on the way down Myself at the steering oar in Gateway Park, Dave Hopkins and Gene on the dock
Reembarking Reembarking Jen idling The crew, from aft to fore, Dean, Gene, Harvey and Dave Hopkins, and Jen The view of the boat from before the mast
The view of the boat from before the mast Rest break At Come to Oars Under oars The view of the boat from before the mast
Dean idling asleep Harvey seen from below the sail Approaching Lock E-8 on the return In the lock, seen over the stempost The lock doors closing behind us
In the lock In the lock Getting ready to sail out of the lock, seen over the stempost Dean gets tucked in when we lower sail Mooring the boat at the end of the day

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