The Psi Upsilon Alumni Association of Troy, New York, Inc. was formed in February 1982 and incorporated in September 1982 for the purpose of aiding the then unchartered Epsilon Iota Chapter of Psi Upsilon Fraternity. It was formed as a focal point for alumni of the Chapter as a means of keeping them in contact with the Chapter and each other.
Article I: The Bylaws.
§1. The following shall be known as the Bylaws of the Psi Upsilon Alumni Association of Troy, Inc., hereafter referred to as the "Corporation."
§2. These bylaws, adopted April 22, 1995, shall replace all previous bylaws of the Corporation. Ratification of these bylaws shall be by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of those dues-paying members present at the April 1995 Annual Meeting.
§3. In case of dispute, the Parliamentarian, or in his absence, the President, shall interpret the bylaws at all Meetings.
Article II: Membership and Voting Privileges.
§1. Any brother who was an original member of the Chapter at its founding as a chapter of Psi Upsilon or at the request of any other Psi Upsilon alumnus shall be a member of the Corporation and, provided he has paid annual dues, enjoy the rights and responsibilities as a member of the Corporation. Also, any undergraduate brother of the Epsilon Iota in good standing shall, upon termination of his Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, automatically become a member of the Corporation, unless he returns to studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, automatically become a member of the Corporation, unless he returns to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as an undergraduate and, provided he has paid his annual dues, enjoy the rights and responsibilities as a member of the Corporation.
§2. All members of the Corporation who were an Epsilon Iota as an undergraduate shall be assessed annual dues. A member shall not have the privilege of voting unless he has paid his dues.
§3. The two (2) Chapter representatives designated by the Epsilon Iota to serve on the Executive Committee shall not pay dues, but for the purposes of the bylaws be considered dues-paying members.
§4. The Corporation shall maintain the Alumni Address Database, to contain the current addresses of all Corporation members and undergraduate brothers, which may be used by Corporation members for maintaining contact with one another and be used by the Corporation for fund raising and official notifications, but may not be distributed to parties not legitimately requiring addresses to conduct business with the Corporation, unless sanctioned by the two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee.
Article III: Meetings.
§1. The Corporation shall meet four (4) times a year; the Executive Committee shall meet in June, October, January and April of each fiscal year (Regular Meetings), and the Alumni shall meet on or as close to April 16 as possible of each year (the Annual Meeting), subject to the discretion of the Executive Committee. All members must be notified at least thirty (30) days in advance of Alumni Meetings and at least fourteen (14) days in advance for Special Meetings.
§2. Meetings shall be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order (1893).
§3. The President, an impeached Officer or any seven (7) members of the Corporation, in writing, may call a Special Meeting.
§4. Quorum to conduct business at an Annual or Special Meeting shall be eight (8) dues-paying members. Quorum to conduct business at an Executive Committee Meeting shall be four (4) dues-paying members.
Article IV: Officers and their Election.
§1. Corporation Officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and House Manager.
§2. Other Officers of the Corporation shall consist of the Assistant Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, Parliamentarian and the Archivist, who shall be appointed by the President, subject to a majority vote of dues-paying members.
§3. Nominations must be made in writing at the January meeting prior to the Annual Meeting. Elections of Officers and the two (2) Alumni Members-at-Large shall be by voice vote at the Annual Meeting with a majority vote of dues-paying members present necessary for any candidate to be elected to office. Each Officer shall take office at the adjournment of the Annual Meeting and shall remain in office for one (1) year or until the next election and his successor is duly qualified. No candidate may serve in any one particular office for more than three (3) consecutive years, commencing with the 1995 elections.
§4. Impeachment of an Officer shall be by a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee. Removal shall be by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of dues-paying members present and voting at an Annual Meeting or a Special Meeting of the Corporation called for the purpose of removing an officer.
§5. Should an Officer resign, the President shall appoint a member to serve as said Officer, subject to approval of the Executive Committee until the next election.
Article V: Offices.
§1. The President shall call and chair all Executive Committee, Annual and Special Meetings of the Corporation and have the power to limit debate at such meetings. He shall represent the Corporation to all external interests. He shall appoint and dismiss chairmen of all committees, Standing and Temporary, subject to a majority vote of dues-paying members. He shall submit a written report at the end of his term concerning the welfare of the Corporation.
§2. The Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President in his absence. He shall be an ex officio member of all committees. He shall chair the House Committee and shall administrate the Lease with the Chapter.
§3. The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Corporation and conduct all financial transactions of the Corporation. He will actively collect all debts to the Corporation. He will present a financial statement to the Corporation in a timely manner for the fiscal year. He shall audit the financial records of the Chapter at least once annually.
§4. The Secretary shall take the minutes of all Corporation meetings and keep a permanent and continuing record of all meetings. He shall maintain the bylaws. He shall notify members of Corporation Meetings. He shall maintain Alumni Address Database.
§5. The House Manager shall actively ensure the maintenance of the Chapter House and ensure its compliance with all Corporation, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and governmental lease, health and safety regulations. He shall identify and present preventative maintenance and repair measures to the Corporation in a timely manner. He shall conduct or supervise all such projects involving the Chapter House.
§6. The Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary shall perform the duties of Treasurer and Secretary, respectively, in the absence of the latter.
§7. The Parliamentarian shall decide matters concerning procedure, conduct and maintaining order at all Corporation meetings.
§8. The Archivist shall store documents, photographs and other items of the Corporation at his discretion or upon a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee.
Article VI: Committees.
§1. Standing Committees shall include the Executive, House Renovations, Fund Raising, Investment and Newsletter Committees. Except for the Executive Committee, all committees are to be chaired by members appointed by the President, subject to a majority vote of dues-paying members present at an Annual Meeting.
§2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, the House Manager, Past Presidents, two (2) Chapter representatives as determined by the Epsilon Iota and two (2) Alumni Members-at-Large for the purpose of conducting the business of the Corporation. The Executive Committee shall make decisions concerning the Corporation.
§3. The House Committee shall consist of the House Manager, Treasurer, the Chapter House Manager and Vice President ex officio and other appointed members who shall meet at timely intervals for the purpose of recommending and monitoring the progress of various Chapter House related projects authorized by the Corporation.
§4. The Fund Raising Committee shall consist of the Treasurer and Vice President ex officio and other appointed members who shall meet in timely intervals for the purpose of coordinating the fund raising activities of the fiscal year.
§5. The Investment Committee shall consist of the Treasurer and Vice President ex officio and other appointed members who shall meet at timely intervals for the purpose of recommending actions concerning financial matters of the Corporation.
§6. The Newsletter Committee shall consist of appointed members who shall meet at timely intervals for the purpose of publishing the Psi U Material, which shall be published at least once (1) per fiscal year.
§7. Nominations Committee shall consist of members who shall meet at their convenience prior to the January Meeting to nominate candidates for office.
§8. Temporary committees may be created at any time by the President.
Article VII: Finances.
§1. All monies owned or possessed by the Corporation shall be deposited in financial institution(s) where deposits are guaranteed by the United States Government, unless upon the recommendation of the Investment Committee, a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Executive Committee choose to transfer Corporation monies elsewhere for a period of time and for a particular purpose to be specified in the recommendation.
§2. The Executive Committee must approve Corporation checks for more than five hundred dollars ($500) prior to disbursement, except for checks to pay for property tax, school tax, mortgage and insurance.
§3. All Corporation financial transactions shall be conducted via checks and credits whenever possible and shall avoid cash transactions whenever possible to provide the Corporation with the means to easily verify the legitimacy of all transactions.
§4. All monies collected for the Housing Fund shall, in the accounting records, be kept separate from all other monies and is to be expended solely on projects related to acquiring another Chapter House or for renovating or expanding the current Chapter House, unless decided otherwise by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of dues-paying members present at an Annual or Special Meeting.
§5. All monies collected for the Repair Fund shall, in the accounting records, be kept separate from all other monies and is to be expended solely on major and minor repair projects for the Chapter House, unless decided otherwise by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Executive Committee present.
§6. All monies collected for the Washer/Dryer Fund shall, in the accounting records, be kept separate from all other monies and is to be expended solely on replacement of the washer and/or dryer located in the Chapter House or for other major appliances, unless decided otherwise by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Executive Committee present.
§7. Other Funds may be created by the Corporation at the discretion of the Treasurer as needed for purchases or projects.
§8. Daily operations of the Corporation may be funded only by annual dues, unless in case of emergency, where other Funds may be used as approved by a three-fourths (3/4) of the Executive Committee, but must be repaid within one (1) year from date of use.
§9. Annual Dues rates shall be fixed at the Annual Meeting by a majority vote of dues-paying members present.
§10. The Corporation shall maintain a separate record of all contributions from each of its members for the sole purpose of conducting an efficient fund raising campaign or for recognizing those members who have contributed to the Corporation.
Article VIII: Amendments and Policies.
§1. The Corporation shall pass its legislation in the form of resolutions and amendments to the bylaws.
§2. Only dues-paying members may make and second motions at Annual Meetings.
§3. All motions for amendments must be proposed at a Regular or Special Meeting at least one month prior to the Annual Meeting at which the proposal would be voted on. The proposal must be in writing and seconded by two dues-paying members and approved by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of dues-paying members present and voting at an Annual Meeting.
§4. A bylaw may be suspended at any time by a nine-tenths (9/10) vote of dues-paying members present except for matters pertaining to quorum, impeachment and conviction.