Alumni Association News
- 9/2/06 - Rush Shirts - The undergrads are making rush shirts available online through cafepress. All the proceeds go towards buying shirts for
rushees, pledges and paying for rush events. Take whatever actions you feel are necessary.
- 2/26/06 - Bathroom Auction - We want to renovate the downstairs bathroom. To pay for it and get a decor that will be as varied as our brotherhood, we're auctioning off the rights to decide what the renovated bathroom will look like.
- 1/2/06 - LiveJournal links - A few people (okay, two) asked for LiveJournal links to be added to the email list. So it has been done. See the EI E-mail Addresses list.
- 4/21/05 - Address List by Name - Due to demand, the list of email addresses is now presented sorted by last name as well as by EI number. See the EI E-mail Addresses list.
- 4/15/05 - EI Numbers by State - Brother Hinsey has produced a list of EI numbers by state. See here.
- 1/26/05 - New Undergraduate Website - The undergraduates have put up a spiffy new website at
- 8/30/04 - Photographs - Brother Curzi has set up a large website devoted to Epsilon Iota photographs. It is located here:
- 3/18/04 - Founders' Day Invitation - You are invited to our 22nd anniversary Founders Day.
- 1/17/04 - House Expansion Update - See the current blueprints on the house expansion page.
- 11/18/03 - House Expansion Committee Meeting - We've met and specified what we want from our new architect. See the pdf file of the meeting notes.
- 10/23/03 - House Expansion - In the next wave of house expansion, we've obtained a new architect and received some preliminary plans. These will need some work. See the last entry on the house expansion page.
- 9/18/03 - More Photos - Rochelle supplies us with more photos of the work weekend.
- 9/5/03 - Porch be gone! - We had a work weekend this past labor day and removed the back porch, as well as all sorts of other work. See some pictures at ofoto.
- 8/12/03 - New Undergraduate Website - The undergrads have had a new website for some time. It can be found at
- 4/18/03 - Founders Day Photos - Once again, Brother Curzi has provided photographs of one of our events.
- 4/18/03 - Address List Protected - The email address list has been password protected. All of us should know the password, but hopefully it will keep the address-harvesting spam robots out.
- 3/30/03 - Founders Day - See the details, including the cool anniversary T-shirt.
- 1/22/03 - House Expansion Committee Report - Read about the current state of the house expansion.
- 4/18/02 - Photographs from Founders' Day - Brother Curzi has once again supplied us with photographs of Founders' Day.
- 4/13/02 - Founders' Day - An astonishing array of brothers were present. We had a groundbreaking ceremony for the house expansion, though there is still a significant question if we can get a mortgage in time for expansion this summer.
- 4/9/02 - Field Guide to the Pledges - Learn to identify the current pledge. Startle everyone at Founders by knowing the names of people you haven't met. See Brother Hartley's list at
- 2/17/02 - Photographs - See some of the amusing photographs that have been displayed during alumni meetings, including recurring images of the Badlands and Rob Purser, atl-atl thrower.
- 1/29/02 - Alumni Meeting - Saturday, 2 February 2002. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., RPI Union, Shelnutt Gallery (3606).
- 11/5/01 - 47 Factoids - A few more 47 factoids have been added.
- 10/29/01 - Buy a Brick - We are very close to being able to afford to expand the house. As a finale to our fundraising activities, you can get an engraved brick. See Ernie's complete letter.
- 10/26/01 - House Expansion Criteria - As adjusted based on the 3 to 3 alumni meeting. See the criteria page, plus an updated financial analysis in a zipped excel spreadsheet and a pdf commentary.
- 10/22/01 - 3 to 3 Photos - A glimpse of 3 to 3, as observed by Brother Purser. Photographs range from the alumni meeting to Al looking militant.
- 10/19/01 - High-resolution Brother Badge - Brother Manthey (the elder) has drawn a high resolution copy of the Brother Badge. See the graphics page.
- 10/16/01 - 3 to 3 Schedule Announced - 3 to 3 is on October 20th, 2001. The alumni meeting will be at 12 noon in the Phalanx Room in the Union. The top topic of discussion will be the house expansion criteria. 3 to 3 begins at 3 p.m. with dinner at the House. From 6-9, we'll have the 87 Gym in which to amuse ourselves. From 9-12, we'll be at the Troy Brew Pub, then it's back to the House.
- 10/2/01 - Officer Guides - Brother Purser has prepared some help for those elected to run the Alumni Association. See also the links to official publications by the International.
- 9/26/01 - General Email List - Brother Top has set up a general announcements mailing list. See the improved mailing list page for details.
- 9/24/01 - Is Everyone Okay? - Brother Moy has set up a website to learn how the Epsilon Iota's fared during the despicable events of September 11.
- 9/6/01 - Expansion Criteria - The House Expansion Criteria Committee met on August 18th and came up with financial numbers for when we can proceed with house expansion. See the report for details.
- 8/21/01 - 47 Factoid - Brother McNeil has contributed another 47 factoid, this one about airplane safety.
- 8/7/01 - Photographs - Brother Curzi has supplied some photographs of EIs in a restaurant after the Baltimore Aquarium trip. Also, more photos have been added to the Seattle Invasion page, including some by Elisa.
- 7/29/01 - House Icon - Brother Lakinger has drawn a 16 color 32 x 32 icon of the chapter house. See the graphics page for details.
- 7/25/01 - In the News - Brother Ford has been mentioned in the Washington Post as part of a team that has identified extrasolar water.
- 7/14/01 - Expansion Criteria - Before we can expand the chapter house, we need to meet a few criteria. See the House Expansion Criteria page for details.
- 7/14/01 - Next Alumni Meeting - 3 to 3, October 20th, 2001, followed by a meeting on 2 February, 2002, and then our vicennial Founders Day on April 13th, 2002.
- 7/1/01 - Alumni Gathering in Baltimore - Sandy has organized a purely fun outing for Psi U alumni to the Baltimore Aquarium on July 28th. At last, an event without an alumni meeting!
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Maintained by David Manthey, EI 410